Do cookie consent banners only annoy end users, or can cookie consent banners motivate end users to interact with cookie consent banners and for what reasons?
Which of the following motivations incite you to interact with cookie consent banners?
Do security considerations motivate you to interact with cookie consent banners?

Do privacy considerations move you to interact with cookie consent banners?

Do website functionalities considerations drive you to interact with cookie consent banners?

Do you want cookie consent banners to disappear and never show again?

Do you to interact with cookie consent banners to make choices to see less adds?

Is it your habit to read and click to make a choice?

Are you ignorant to cookie consent banners?

You don't care about making a choice via the cookie consent banner?

The cookie consent banner does not offer the choice you want?

You believe your cookie consent choice is not respected?

You don't understand the consequence of clicking to make a choice?

You don't know what cookies are?

You believe you can control cookies by making a choice?

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