In this blog post, I explain the design of the 2nd layer of Signatu’s Cookie Consent Banner, in particular its "Detailed information and settings".
We use CNIL’s draft recommendation on "cookies and other trackers" as benchmark for the design of Signatu’s Cookie Consent Banner.
Here are the links to the previous blog post Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 where I explain the design of the 1st and 2nd layer of Signatu’s Cookie Consent Banner.
2nd layer of Signatu’s Cookie Consent Banner
The 2nd layer of Signatu’s Cookie Consent Banner is designed like this:

Design rationale of the 2nd layer
What are the set of reasons that justify the design of the 2nd layer of Signatu’s Cookie Consent Banner?
Detailed information and settings
The "Detailed information and settings" in the 2nd layer of Signatu’s Cookie Consent Banner expands when clicked on.

Detailed information in Q & A style
The "Detailed information" in the 2nd layer of Signatu’s Cookie Consent Banner is presented in a Q & A style.
We substitute a verbal conversation between a website and an end user with an end user’s Questions to the website and the website’s Answers to the end user.
Questions are presented in the top row.
Corresponding answers are presented in the bottom row.

Which detailed information in Q & A style?
A cookie banner needs to provide end users with answers to a number of questions (see this blog post series Part 1).
The "Detailed information" in the 2nd layer of Signatu’s Cookie Consent Banner presents the processing purpose by asking and answering "Why are we collecting data?"
This information element has been presented in Part 2 and Part 3 of this blog post series.

The "Detailed information" in the 2nd layer of Signatu’s Cookie Consent Banner presents the data by asking and answering "What is collected?"
On this point, CNIL’s draft recommendation on "cookies and other trackers" says that:
(...) the categories of data collected through trackers could be specified for each purpose in a way that is easily accessible to the user.

Legal basis
The "Detailed information" in the 2nd layer of Signatu’s Cookie Consent Banner presents the legal basis of processing purpose by asking and answering "On what Legal Basis?".
On this point, CNIL’s draft recommendation on "cookies and other trackers" is silent.
However, explicit information about the legal basis of using a cookie etc is required.

The "Detailed information" in the 2nd layer of Signatu’s Cookie Consent Banner presents the end user benefit by asking and answering "What is the benefit?"
On this point, CNIL’s draft recommendation on "cookies and other trackers" is silent.
Since it is not prohibited for a website to inform end users about whether and how end users will benefit from a technology used on the website, the website is at liberty to do so. We consider to place this information on the 1st layer of the cookie banner.

The "Detailed information" in the 2nd layer of Signatu’s Cookie Consent Banner presents the recipient of the data by asking and answering "Who receives the data?"
On this point, CNIL’s draft recommendation on "cookies and other trackers" says that:
The user must be able to find out the identity of all those responsible for the processing operation(s) before being able to give consent or refuse to give his or her consent. He or she must therefore be fully aware of the effective scope of his or her consent.
Pursuant to this requirement, the exhaustive list of controllers of the processing operation(s) should be made available to the user upon obtaining consent and permanently made easily accessible.

Recipient details
The detailed information about data recipients in the 2nd layer of Signatu’s Cookie Consent Banner expands when the end user clicks on "Read more".

The detailed information about data recipients will be presented in the next blogpost.
If you have any questions, you can send me an email at: